art // graphics // design


Artwork for the promotion of our town Lievegem and the “Meetjeslandse Café’s”.
Packed with elements, people and modern events that define our town in the region of Meetjesland, East Flandres (next to Ghent and towards Bruges). Printed and numbered on the magnum beer bottles of Augustijn Grand Cru, Limited Edition. Part of the profit will go to charity “DVC de Triangel vzw” in Lievegem.
 Next year, different town, bottledesign and local artist. So, good reasons to start collecting!

*In cooperation with Toerisme Meetjesland and Brouwerij Van Steenberge.

Lievegem top.jpg
Lievegem-Augustijn Grand Cru-Kobe De KeyzerIMG_8557-insta.jpg
Lievegem-Augustijn Grand Cru-Kobe De KeyzerIMG_8636-insta.jpg
Lievegem-Augustijn Grand Cru-Kobe De KeyzerIMG_8735-insta.jpg
Lievegem-Augustijn Grand Cru-Kobe De KeyzerIMG_8564-insta.jpg
Lievegem-Augustijn Grand Cru-Kobe De KeyzerIMG_8763-insta.jpg
Lievegem-Augustijn Grand Cru-Kobe De KeyzerIMG_8770-insta.jpg
Lievegem-Augustijn Grand Cru-Kobe De KeyzerIMG_8778-insta.jpg
Lievegem-Augustijn Grand Cru-Kobe De KeyzerIMG_8600-insta.jpg
Lievegem-Augustijn Grand Cru-Kobe De KeyzerIMG_8782-insta.jpg
Lievegem-Augustijn Grand Cru-Kobe De KeyzerIMG_8784-insta.jpg
Lievegem-Augustijn Grand Cru-Kobe De KeyzerIMG_8766-insta.jpg
Lievegem-Augustijn Grand Cru-Kobe De KeyzerIMG_8773-insta.jpg
Lievegem-Augustijn Grand Cru-Kobe De KeyzerIMG_8777-insta.jpg
Lievegem-Augustijn Grand Cru-Kobe De KeyzerIMG_8523-insta.jpg